Organization, together with employers' associations and professional qualification councils (PQC), professional - public accreditation of educational programs in accordance with AKKORK basic principles of work

  • Independent evaluation and quality assurance of educational programmes according to the criteria recognized by associations of employers;
  • Improvement of education quality and preparation quality of the graduates, whose competences meet labor market requirements;
  • Strengthening competitiveness of accredited programmes.
Professional-public accreditation “is recognition of quality and level of graduates’ training (…) corresponding to the requirements of professional standards, requirements of the labor market to specialists, workers and employees of relevant specialization (Federal Law of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 273-FL “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Chapter 12, Article 96). Professional - public accreditation can be conducted by employers and their associations as well as organizations authorized by employers in accordance with the procedure established by them.
AKKORK conducts independent assessment of education quality for further procedure of professional – public accreditation in employers’ associations and professional communities. AKKORK partners in this area of activity are:
Assessment criteria and indicators:
Types of reviewers involved:
  • Project manager
  • Reviewer from academic community, 
  • Reviewer from employers’ community,
  • Reviewer from students community.
All the reviewers undergo selection, training and certification

Procedural Steps:
  • Application for undergoing the accreditation procedure.
  • Conclusion of a contract between HEI and AKKORK.
  • HEI members training in internal education audit methodology.
  • Preparation of a self-evaluation report by an educational institution.
  • Formation of a certified review panel, representing the Russian academic community and labour market.
  • Desk review of the self-evaluation report done by the reviewers.
  • 2 days on-site visit to the educational institution.
  • Preparation and submission of the reviewers’ reports to the educational institution for feedback.
  • Correction of the report (if needed) according to the feedback from HEI.
  • Submission of the reviewer's reports to the AKKORK Advisory council.
  • Approval of the reviewer’s report by the Advisory Council
  • Submission of the independent education quality evaluation results – reviewer’s reports on each educational programme – to the Accreditation Council of the Employer’s association.
  • Accreditation decision by the Employer’s association Accreditation Council .
  • Issuance of accreditation certificates to an educational institution in the case of positive decision of the Accreditation Council of the Employers association.
  • Submission of the follow up report in the period stated in the International Accreditation Council’s decision.
Criteria for decisions

Appeals procedure
After receiving reviewer’s reports and decision on accreditation Educational organization, may not agree with the with the decision of the Accrediting organization Accreditation Council. In such cases, an educational organization may submit an appeal to the accrediting organization.

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