16th INQAAHE conference was held during 1-10 of June, on which special features of maintaining high standards of quality education in difficult times were discussedMore..

Online visit of AKKORK and Russian Managers Association reviewers' team to Petrozavodsk State University29.04.21

Online visit of AKKORK and Russian Managers Association reviewers' team to Petrozavodsk State University
On April 27-28, within the framework of the procedure of external education quality assessment and preparation for international and professional and public accreditation of higher educational programs an online visit to the Petrozavodsk State University (PetrSU) was held. 
Two main educational programs are submitted for international and professional and public accreditations. More..

Online visit of AKKORK international reviewers’ team to Plekhanov Russian University of Economics22.04.21

Online visit of AKKORK international reviewers’ team to Plekhanov Russian University of Economics
On April 20-21, within the framework of the procedure of external education quality assessment and preparation for international accreditation of higher educational programs an online visit to the Plekhanov Russian State University of Economics was held.

Two main educational programs are submitted for international accreditation. More..

New issue of the magazine "Education quality" 21.04.21

New issue of the magazine "Education quality"

One year after the introduction of quarantine restrictions in Russia and Europe, after the hasty transition of educational institutions to online operation and the consequent transfer of quality assurance procedures to a virtual mode, we have reached the stage where we can reflect on the changes that have taken place, learn lessons and develop strategies for the future. The current issue starts with an interview with Patricia Georgieva, member of the Registration Committee of the European Quality Assurance Register (EQAR) and international expert in education quality assessment, who answered in detail the questions on the impact of the pandemic on various aspects of the activities of HEIs and quality assurance agencies in the European Higher Education Area.

The State Policy section features an article on the prospects of the transition to indefinite state accreditation of Russian universities: this scenario for the future has become a reality, largely due to the changes caused by the pandemic. The Digital Education section includes an article on the positive experience of digitalisation of two Russian universities - a process which relevance has increased manifold due to the global coronavirus crisis.

Visit of AKKORK and European Chemistry Thematic Network reviewers' team to the Samara State Technical University14.04.21

Visit of AKKORK and European Chemistry Thematic Network reviewers' team to the Samara State Technical University
On April 12 and 13, within the framework of the international accreditation procedure for Chemistry educational programs a visit of a hybrid format of the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) and AKKORK to Samara State Technical University (SamSTU) took place.

Six educational programs of SamSTU are submitted for accreditation.More..

The signing of a Memorandum of Understanding between the Mongolian National Council for Accreditation in Education and the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development AKKORK is an important step03.02.21

Februrary,3rdthe Mongolian National Council for Accreditation in Educationand the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education signed a Memorandum of Understanding More..

New issue of the magazine "Education quality"30.12.20

New issue of the magazine "Education quality"
These days we bid farewell to the year 2020, a year that has been so challenging for each one of us, for the education system, for the nation, and for the whole world. This year has changed us through unprecedented challenges, and hopefully it has made us stronger and more resilient.

Global education faced a daunting challenge, though, according to data from many countries, education systems withstood it well: rapid adaptation to the online format, the use of hybrid learning wherever restrictions allowed, enabled the continuity of the educational process and the provision of students with knowledge and support in the most difficult circumstances.

However, it is already clear that a full return to pre-coronavirus era education is unlikely. Today, education theorists and practitioners around the world are trying to predict long-term changes in the educational system and in the field of quality assurance. The speakers interviewed in this issue, Antonio Serrano Gonzalez and Erika Soboleva, address this issue. The Quacquarelli Symonds study, published in "The Globalization of Education," is devoted to the same topic. More..

Procedures outcomes28.12.20

In December 2020 AKKORK agency successfully completed a number of quality assurance projects as part of professional and public and international accreditation procedures of educational programs in higher education institutions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

This has been a special year, with changes in all areas of life, and education has been one of the areas most affected by the pandemic. The switch to an online format has been a forced measure, both for the educational process and for quality assurance procedures. This year all visits to HEIs AKKORK conducted online. The evaluation procedure, well-established by many years of experience, enabled, thanks to thorough preliminary preparation and a developed organization mechanism, to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of higher education institutions both at the program and institutional levels in an online format.More..

Online visit of AKKORK agency and ACPUA agency reviewers' team to RUDN University.04.12.20

From November 30 to December 3, within the framework of the procedure of external education quality assessment and preparation for international accreditation of the higher educational programs an online visit to the RUDN University (Peoples' Friendship University of Russia) was held. More..

Events calendar ’25

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