16 INQAAHE Conference was held under the theme: Reimagining of Higher Education Quality in an Age of Uncertainty, which reflects the main goal of the Conference – exchange of experience in the field of quality assurance in higher education to provide confidence and reassurance in changes that have come about because of recent disruptions and challenges.

During the conference, the participants discussed the issues of changing the quality of education during the transition to online and hybrid learning formats, mechanisms of internal and external quality assurance of the educational process, issues of maintaining trust in higher education in times of uncertainty and many others were also raised.

The conference was divided into 2 stages. Master classes were held on July 1-4, organized by Chief Researcher of the Education Provision Council Doris Zaher, Director of the Agency for Quality Assurance in Education and Career Development AKKORK Erika Soboleva and Director of Higher Education Policy and Regulation Department of Education and Knowledge Abu Dhabi in the Arab Emirates Susanna Karakhanyan.

On June 1, a master class "GGP – Guidelines of Good Practice" was held, coordinated by President of INQAAHE Dr. Susanna Karakhanyan and Erika Soboleva. At the master class, participants could work on an interactive platform for setting a scene for establishment and operationalization of an internal quality assurance system.

On June 2 ENQA Director Maria Kelo and Adviser of the Department of Higher Education, Research, Innovation and Science Orla Lynch held a master class entitled "People Matter: People Matter: Professional development of agency staff", where they discussed issues of maintaining the professional development of employees, the specific skills, and competences they need to carry out their work professionally.

On June 3, at the master class "Measurement of Learning Outcome Achievement – Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA+)", Chief Researcher of the Council for Education Support Doris Zaner, Margot Griffith and Susanna Karakhanyan introduced the conference participants to the CAE Collegiate Learning Assessment (CLA +) model and the results of its application in assessing the quality of student learning.

Sue Rees, consultant and interim vice-rector of Kingston University, and Isles Crum, Director of Membership, held discussions about short-term programs and their benefits for students.The participants of the master class could also share the experience of their educational organizations. This event took place on June 4.

June 7-10 were dedicated to the reports of speakers from all over the world. Key community figures such as Dirk Van Damme, Dr. Santiago Acosta-Aid, Professor John Sovkins and Professor Sue Rigby were invited to the conference.

2021 is especially significant for INQAAHE as the community celebrates its 30th anniversary this year.


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