Visit of AKKORK and European Chemistry Thematic Network reviewers' team to the Samara State Technical University14.04.21

On April 12 and 13, within the framework of the international accreditation procedure for Chemistry educational programs a visit of a hybrid format of the European Chemistry Thematic Network (ECTN) and AKKORK to Samara State Technical University (SamSTU) took place.

Six educational programs of SamSTU are submitted for accreditation:

  • Chemistry, Organic and bio-organic Chemistry profile (Bachelor degree);
  • Chemistry, Physics and Mechanics of Materials, Functional, Structural and Nanomaterials profile (Bachelor degree);
  • Chemical Technology, profiles: Chemical Technology of Organic Substances, Chemical Technology of High-Molecular Compounds, Chemical Technology of Natural Energy Sources and Carbon Materials (Bachelor degree);
  • Chemical Technology, Intensification of Oil Refining and Petrochemical Processes profile (Master degree);
  • Energy and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology, Environmental Protection and Rational Use of Natural Resources profile (Bachelor degree);
  • Energy and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology, Industrial Ecology and Rational Use of Natural Resources profile (Master degree).

The international team of reviewers consisted of:

ECTN representatives:

Prof. Dr. Pavel Drašar, Professor, ECTN Vice-President, Scientific Secretary of the Czech Association of Scientific and Technical Societies;
Prof. Dr. Jiří Barek, Professor, President of the Division of Analytical Chemistry of the Czech Chemical Society, Member of Editorial Board of Chemické Listy (scientific journal of Czech Chemical Society), Head of the UNESCO Trace Element Satellite Centre at Charles University in Prague, Head of the UNESCO Laboratory of Environmental Electrochemistry at Charles University, Prague;
Dr Raymond Wallace, CSci, External Examiner, Plymouth University, External Examiner/Advisor Malta University;
Irina Yefimova, PhD in Economics (Economics and Management in the Chemical Industry), Associate Professor, Rector, SILKWAY International University (Kazakhstan), Advisor to the President, SILKWAY International University (Kazakhstan).

Russian academic representatives:

Mikhail Solovyov, PhD in Chemistry, Vice-Rector for Networking and Partnership, Kozma Minin Nizhny Novgorod State Pedagogical University;
Mikhail Korsakov, Doctor of Chemistry, Director of M.V. Dorogov Center for Pharmaceutical Technology Transfer, Yaroslavl State Pedagogical University named after K.D. Ushinsky;
Ella Dzidziguri, Doctor of Technical Sciences (Physical and Chemical Research of Metallurgical Processes), Associate Professor at the Chair of Functional Nanosystems and High-Temperature Materials, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”;
Anna Kurbatova, PhD in Biology (specialty "Ecology"), Associate Professor at the Chair of Environmental Monitoring and Forecasting, Faculty of Ecology, RUDN University of Russia; International Expert in Ecology; Expert Analyst in the Field of Ecology at GazProm.

Russian business/industry representatives:

Sergey Lavrenov, PhD in Chemistry, Senior research fellow at the Laboratory of Chemical Transformation of Antibiotics, FSBU "NIINA" RAMS; author of two international and two Russian patents; scientific leader of the Russian Science Foundation grants (2015-2020) for development of new antibiotics; collaboration with pharmaceutical companies Sanofi, Novartis, Intercare, Pharmenterprises; leadership of the contract with the Ministry of Industry and Trade (2011-2014).
Mikhail Fedotov, PhD in Technical Sciences, Junior Researcher, A.A. Baikov Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science, Russian Academy of Sciences;
Maxim Bermeshev, Doctor of Chemistry, Deputy Director, A.V. Topchiyev Institute of Petrochemical Synthesis, Russian Academy of Sciences;
Alena Basamykina, Head of Technical Department, Areal Engineering (the company is engaged in the design of wastewater treatment facilities and the development of innovative technologies in the field of wastewater treatment and waste recycling).

Student community representatives:

Elena Zakharova, graduate of Bachelor and Master degrees programs in Materials Science, National University of Science and Technology “MISIS”;
Oleg Korovin, a first-year student of the Master program Energy and Resource Saving Processes in Chemical Technology, Petrochemistry and Biotechnology, RUDN University.

Due to the limitations caused by the spread of the COVID-19 virus, the visit was conducted for the first time in a mixed format - part of the expert team participated remotely and part in-person. This format is not easy to implement and requires thorough preliminary preparation, as well as the provision of appropriate guidance and support from the agency for both the university staff responsible for quality assessment processes and for the expert teams in order to help them adapt to the new reality in which the field of education will still have to exist for quite some time.

The work of the reviewers lasted for two days, during which there were meetings with program's Heads and Teaching staff involved in the implementation of the programs, a tour of laboratories and classrooms, meetings with employers, students and alumni.

The decision on the international accreditation is expected in July 2021.

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