Procedures outcomes28.12.20

In December 2020 AKKORK agency successfully completed a number of quality assurance projects as part of professional and public and international accreditation procedures of educational programs in higher education institutions of the Russian Federation and neighboring countries.

This has been a special year, with changes in all areas of life, and education has been one of the areas most affected by the pandemic. The switch to an online format has been a forced measure, both for the educational process and for quality assurance procedures. This year all visits to HEIs AKKORK conducted online. The evaluation procedure, well-established by many years of experience, enabled, thanks to thorough preliminary preparation and a developed organization mechanism, to conduct a comprehensive evaluation of higher education institutions both at the program and institutional levels in an online format.

This year another project of AKKORK and the Russian Managers Association at the Plekhanov Russian University of Economics (Moscow) was completed. One professional retraining program and three professional development programs in the field of Economics and Management successfully passed the external evaluation and received professional and public accreditation. Last year the quality of implementation and compliance with the requirements of the Russian labor market was confirmed by six educational programs of professional retraining and professional development.

This year also witnessed the continuation of the long-standing international cooperation between AKKORK and foreign agencies.

Five educational programs were evaluated as part of a big international project at RUDN University: the main educational program "Veterinary" was accredited by the German agency ZEvA (Central Evaluation and Accreditation Agency) 

and four educational programs in Linguistics, Mathematics, International Relations and Law passed the accreditation of the Spanish agency ACPUA* with flying colors. This was the first experience of cooperation with this Spanish agency for AKKORK.

Another large international project took place at the Russian-Tajik (Slavic) University. Twelve RTSU educational programs received international accreditation of AKKORK.

The long-standing cooperation between AKKORK and FIBAA (Foundation for International Business Administration Accreditation, Germany) also went on: online visits to St. Petersburg State University (SPbU) and the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration (RANEPA) were held. Decisions on international accreditation will be made in January-February of next year.

* Aragon Agency for Quality Assurance and Strategic Foresight in Higher Education, ACPUA - is the official agency for the evaluation of higher education in the Autonomous Community of Aragón (Spain). ACPUA mainly develops technical quality assurance activities, such as evaluation, assessment, certification and accreditation. This public service is complemented with strategic foresight and research, as well as with activities to promote a culture of quality in higher education within the region. ACPUA is registered in EQAR, and is an ENQA member. AKKORK Director General Erika Soboleva joined the ACPUA Commission on Evaluation, Certification and Accreditation this April. The Commission is responsible for developing and improving the methodological framework and rules for technical assessment, attestation and accreditation of the quality of higher education.

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