Erika Soboleva is re-elected as the Board Member of the International Network of Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE)21.03.15

The results of electronic voting on nominees to the governing bodies of the largest international network of quality assurance agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) turned out to be an outstanding. Erika Soboleva, the Director of the International Department of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) re-elected member of the Board of Directors of the organization.

The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) is a world-wide association of over 200 organizations active in the theory and practice of quality assurance in higher education. The great majority of its members are quality assurance agencies that operate in many different ways, although the Network also welcomes (as associate members) other organizations that have an interest in QA in HE.

Erika Soboleva is the first representative of Russia, who became part of the governing body of such a large international organization responsible to guarantee the quality of education. The current re-election marks the evaluation of her active work and is a sign of trust on the part of the professional community.

"INQAAHE provides so many opportunities for exchange of experience in the field of quality assessment and quality assurance of education. As a member of the Board of Directors Erika Soboleva will work with large representative part of Russian universities in INQAAHE. It will enable the universities to get acquainted with the procedure of quality assessment and quality assurance in the world and apply its aspects in their work, which, of course, will be beneficial for their activities in a whole", said V.D. Shadrikov, academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Director of the Institute of educational content of HSE, Chairman of the Advisory Council of AKKORK.

The Board of Directors INQAAHE also includes Susanna Karakhanyan, Pauline Tang, Maiki Udam, Martin Strah, Yvonnette Marshall, Jawaher al-Mudhahki. Jagannath Patil was elected the President of the network.

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Erika Soboleva – PhD in Economics, docent, Director of the International Department of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK), author of more than 80 Russian and foreign publications on the quality of education, Board Member of APQN and INQAAHE.

The Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) is the leading agency for the Russian independent evaluation of the quality of education, accreditation and certification of educational institutions to improve the quality of education, to identify problem areas in the work of educational institutions, the elaboration of programs for the development of educational institutions in the short-, medium and long term. The results of AKKORK examination are considered during the state accreditation of educational institutions.

Advisory Council13.03.15

At the March meeting of the Advisory Council were approved reports on corrections of concerns of the following HEIs:
  • Sakhalin State University

The INQAAHE Conference 2015 11.02.15

Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) will act as traditional organizational partner of the conference INQAAHE, which will take place in the United States in 2015. Registration for the event is open on the site of ACBSP.

During the General Assembly, three organizations presented their bids to host the INQAAHE Conference in 2015. The Accreditation Council for Business Schools and Programs (ACBSP) will organize INQAAHE’s biennial Conference in the United States in 2015.

The INQAAHE Forum in 2014 was hosted by EKKA, in Estonia.

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 The 2015 ENQA Members’ Forum was organized in cooperation with the Andalusian Agency of Knowledge, Department of Evaluation and Accreditation (AAC-DEVA), and was held on 16-17 April, 2015.

During the forum, participants were updated on the outcomes of the fourth ENQA “Quality Procedures in European Higher Education” project and the revision of the review process and were invited to share and discuss quality assurance in topical breakout sessions.

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AKKORK will provide an independent assessment of a number of Master's degree programs in the Higher School of Economics27.01.15

Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) has launched an independent evaluation of 5 educational master programs of National Research University "Higher School of Economics." The examination is conducted under the first phase of professional public accreditation of educational program on a number of Master’s degree programs of HSE in the Russian Managers Association.

Among the programs that pass examination in AKKORK there are the following:

27.04.05 Management of research, development and innovation in the company;
38.04.02 Project management: project analysis, investment, technology of implementation;
38.04.02 Human Resources Management;
38.04.05 E-business;
42.04.02 Management in the media.

Experts of AKKORK and Russian Managers Association will look through the content of the report on the results of self-assessment programs, analyze the documents and information from open sources, evaluate the material and technical basis, examine regulations and quality systems used by the educational institution, etc. The final report, prepared on the basis of expert opinions, will be submitted to the Accreditation Council for the Association of Managers of Russia to make a decision on seeking professional public accreditation of HSE educational programs.


The Asia-Pacific Quality Network (APQN) Conference and AGM is the main annual event for discussing and advancing quality assurance in higher education throughout the Asia-Pacific area. After the success of the APQN AGMs in New Zealand (March 2005), China (March 2006), Malaysia (February 2007), Japan (February 2008), Vietnam (March 2009), Thailand (March 2010), India (March 2011), and Cambodia (March 2012), Chinese Taipei (April 2013) and Hanoi, Vietnam (March 2014), the Board of APQN is delighted to announce that the next AGM and Conference will be held in Kunming, China (17-19 April 2015). Yunnan Higher Education Evaluation Center (YHEEC), China will host this event.

The target audience for the APQN Conference and AGM is primarily those associated with quality agencies in the region. It includes APQN Members and Observers, the APQN Board, Committees and Project Groups. In addition, others working in the area of quality assurance and improvement in higher education and government agencies are welcome to attend the conference days that are open to nonmembers. The conference will be open to all registered delegates except the AGM which is for members only.

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The Best educational programs in the field of service and tourism will be named by AKKORK and Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers15.01.15

Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) in conjunction with the Federation of Restaurateurs and Hoteliers (FRiO) announces the launch of the All-Russian contest "The best educational program in the following directions: "Catering Technology", "Service", "Hotel Industry", "Hotel service", "Tourism", the implementation of which will be carried out in the period from January to December 2015.

Sergey Anisimov, General Director of AKKORK, spoke at the conference "Education quality assessment system: System, Trends and Prospects"17.12.14

On December 10-11, 2014 in Arkhangelsk Regional Institute of Open Education, a regional scientific-practical conference "Education quality assessment system: System, Trends, Prospects" was held, where spoke Sergey Anisimov, Director General of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK). He told to the participants about the methodology, criteria and tools for independent evaluation of the quality of education and professional public accreditation.

In addition, the following questions were discussed: on external and internal evaluation of the quality of education in educational organization, approaches to planning a regional system of education quality assessment, development and testing of quality assessment of educational services in the establishment of additional vocational training, etc..

The conference was also attended by Irina Vashukova, Head of the department of Education Management in Arkhangelsk Regional Institute of Open Education, Irina Popova, Head of the General Education Department of the Administration of children education and upbringing of Ministry of Education and Science of the Arkhangelsk region, Irina Fedoseyeva, Vice-rector for educational and methodical work in Arkhangelsk Regional Institute of Open Education, Head of the working group on the implementation of the Federal innovative platform, etc..

A meeting of the Supreme Expert Council of AKKORK was held17.12.14

On the 4th of December, 2014, a meeting of the Supreme Expert Council of the Agency for Higher Education Quality Assurance and Career Development (AKKORK) was held chaired by Shadrikov V.N., Academician of the Russian Academy of Education, Director of the Institute of educational content of NRU "Higher School of Economics".

Advisory Council14.12.14

At the December 2014 meeting of the Advisory Council were approved reports on corrections of concerns of the following HEIs:
  • Novosibirsk Aviation Technical College
  • Russian State Social University

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