Online visit of AKKORK international reviewers’ team to Plekhanov Russian University of Economics22.04.21
On April 20-21, within the framework of the procedure of external education quality assessment and preparation for international accreditation of higher educational programs an online visit to the Plekhanov Russian State University of Economics was held.
Two main educational programs are submitted for international accreditation:
- Psychology, Psychology of management profile (Bachelor degree);
- Psychology, Psychology of business profile (Master degree).

The international team of reviewers consisted of:
Alexandra Vorobyeva, Ph.D. in Psychology, Director of the Department of Educational Programs Quality Assurance, Associate Professor of Social Pedagogy Chair at RUDN University of Russia (representative of the academic community);
Albina Nesterova, Doctor of Psychology, Professor of the Chair of Social Psychology at Moscow State Regional University, Chief Researcher at the Department of Advanced Research of the Russian Academy of Education, crisis psychologist at the British Psychological Center, Researcher at the Education Center of Morozovskaya City Children's Clinical Hospital (business/industry representative);
Dr. Rosa M. Rodríguez-Izquierdo, Professor, Head of the Social Pedagogy Program, Coordinator of the Postgraduate Program in Migration Studies, Professor at the Chair of Education and Social Psychology, Professor at the Intercultural Center of Communication at Pablo de Olavide University; Researcher and Professor at the Institute of Educational Research in Madrid, Spain (international reviewer);
Svetlana Gurieva, Doctor of Psychology, Professor, Head of the Chair of Social Psychology at St. Petersburg State University (SPbU) (representative of the academic community);
Svetlana Kosyakova, Director, Center for Corporate Strategies and Solutions (business/industry representative);
Maria Nedoshivina, PhD in Psychology, Senior Lecturer at the Chair of Social Psychology, St. Petersburg State University. BSc in Psychology (magna cum laude) (SPbU, 2013), MSc in Social Psychology and Political Psychology (magna cum laude) (SPbU, 2016); MSc in Social and Organisational Psychology (University of Leiden, Netherlands, 2014) (expert from the student community).
During the online visit, experts interviewed faculty administration, heads of programs, students and employers, and also conducted a direct assessment of graduates' competencies.
The decision on international accreditation is expected in July 2021.