XII INQAAHE Forum 2020 in Moscow11.10.19


The International Network for Quality Assurance in Higher Education (INQAAHE) aims to offer an enhancement platform for the broader higher education community in its regions.  In this regard, INQAAHE 2020 Forum is being hosted in the Eastern Europe Region for the first time since 2000 and for the first time ever in a post-soviet country. This significant event is proudly hosted by the Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development (AKKORK) under the patronage of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation.

The Forum brings together government bodies, international organizations, universities and quality assurance agencies from all over the world for focused discussions and comprehensive exchanges of views on the current issues impacting on quality assurance.

The Forum is an opportunity for a discussion about the challenging issues in quality assurance, the generation of ideas on new approaches to quality assurance in a world of emerging new educational practices, and the sharing of practices in QA. Interactive sessions always involve high levels of participant engagement.

We welcome representatives from INQAAHE members, QA professionals from Universities, quality assurance agencies, governments, especially those from the Eastern Europe and Central Asia regions. The language of the Forum is English. The translation into Russian will be provided on demand. 

Venue: RUDN University, Moscow, Russian Federation

Forum theme:

“Quality, Competencies, and Learning Outcomes: How to Be Fit for Generation Z Employability”

Its two sub-themes are:

Sub-Theme 1: Building Generation Z Competencies through Classical Approaches to Degree Offerings: innovative approaches to quality assurance and recognition of qualifications

Sub-Theme 2: Advancing Generation Z Employability through New Forms of Learning: quality assurance and recognition of alternative credentials.

The Forum is organized by:

The International Network for Quality Assurance Agencies in Higher Education (INQAAHE) is a world-wide association of organizations that are active in the theory and practice of quality assurance (QA) in higher education (HE). INQAAHE is a QA community, with shared interests, a common language and an understanding of how things are done with regard to a very specific field of work. It provides a forum for the discussion of global issues that go beyond national or regional boundaries, such as cross border education. Members have the opportunity to learn from what others are doing, both from their successes and their failures, and thus set the ground for the development of a QA profession.

The Forum is proudly hosted by:

Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development (AKKORK) is an international accreditation agency of professional education, leader in Russia in independent quality assurance and assessment of education. The Agency for Quality Assurance in Higher Education and Career Development was founded in 2005. It is recognized by the leading international accreditation networks: ENQA (full membership), EQAR registered, INQAAHE (full membership), APQN (full membership).

Information on Forum organization is available at:


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