What are the main stages of AKKORK expertise?

Initial review in AKKORK:

  1. Submission of the Application for undergoing the expertise procedure 

2.     Conducting a seminar for university/academy/institute staff on the self-assessment methodics 

3.     Preparation by the University/ academy / institute a self-assessment report and it’s submission to AKKORK.

4.     Creation of the experts panels from the most authoritative specialists from the academic community, employers associations, and students organizations.

5.     Preparation and conduct of the expert panel visit to the University/ academy / institute

6.     Preparation of the report by the experts

7.     Sending of this report to the university/ academy / institute for feedback from the University/ academy / institute.

8.     Correction of the report (if needed) according to this feedback.

9.     Submission of the expert’s reports to the AKKORK Advisory council.

10.  If the University/ academy / institute want to receive not only the review report but AKKORK accreditation, than after Advisory council the reports are submitted to the Accreditation council. 

Regular review in AKKORK

  1. Submission of the Application for undergoing the expertise procedure 
  2. Conducting a seminar for university/academy/institute staff on the self-assessment methodics 

3.     Preparation by the University/ academy / institute a self-assessment report and it’s submission to AKKORK, together with report on development and report on previously revealed drawbacks elimination.

4.     Creation of the experts panels from the most authoritative specialists from the academic community, employers associations, and students organizations.

5.     Preparation and conduct of the expert panel visit to the university/ academy / institute

6.     Preparation of the report by the experts

7.     Sending of this report to the University/ academy / institute for feedback from the university/ academy / institute.

8.     Correction of the report (if needed) according to this feedback.

9.     Submission of the expert’s reports to the AKKORK Advisory council.

10.  If the University/ academy / institute want to receive not only the review report but AKKORK accreditation, than after Advisory council the reports are submitted to the Accreditation council.

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